About the Author

This picture sums me up 🙂

Tara Tucker is a child of God, a wife, a mother, and a stage 3 breast cancer survivor. After overcoming numerous trials, she is now blessed to share her thoughts and testimonies as a Blogger, Speaker, Coach, and Author focusing on nonfiction.

Tara has a passion for sharing God’s love and message through her work and actions. Tara Tucker is a Visionary, Coach, and Author of several books, including her bestseller, Everybody Kneeling ain’t Praying. She is a Transparency Coach helping Kingdom-Driven Women achieve clarity, confidence, and completion in releasing their stories. Tara owns Tucker Publishing House, LLC, and she is the Founder of Jewels LOP Outreach. Tara’s heart is for the people of God to walk in complete freedom and use the power of their testimony.

Tara has been involved in multiple speaking engagements, sharing her testimony for the edification of others. Since October of 2016, directed by the Lord, she founded a prayer group called “Jewels, Ladies of Prayer” (now Jewels LOP Outreach) that holds quarterly “Sister Talks,” which helps them take off metaphorical masks and encourage one another to walk in authenticity.

Tara is passionate, and it shows.

It’s always a good time to dance
Tasha Cobbs “Revival” Concert

Tara has lived a checkered past before answering the call from Jesus Christ. She has survived molestation, and rape. She has been a dancer, former escort, and madam. She is a former Jehovah’s Witness and lived her life as a bisexual woman. She knows God to be her Deliverer and Healer! She is open about her past to show that God can turn your ashes into beauty. She is open to testify that God is real and you are not too messed up for Him. 

Tara understands people and the daily struggles they face. She is practical and loving. She embraces people. She believes in judgments in matters of biblical doctrine and righteous living. The Bible is her compass. She believes in hating what is evil and clinging to what is good, as it states in Romans 12:9.

She has endured an extreme amount of pain in her life. God changed her negative life into something beautiful for Him. During her fight with breast cancer, she gained a closer relationship with God, which began a journey of reveals and revelations.

She has always enjoyed writing, but the Lord was calling Tara to write her testimony and share it to help others. She not only wrote her testimony in the form of a memoir, Everybody Kneeling ain’t Praying, but she has also written other books with more to come.

In 2017, after her double mastectomy, the Lord led Tara to create a space for Him in her home. She made a prayer room, anointed it, and set it apart for Him. He met her there. She would also bring others in there to pray and be delivered. God started something amazing during a time of wilderness. On the outside, it seemed she should be in a corner, crying and desolate with the circumstances, yet Tara stayed prayerful, full of praise and joy.  

A testament to the power of God.

She transitioned from a full-time hairstylist to a stay-at-home mom and writer during her recovery time. The Lord was telling her to rest in Him and write. Being independent and headstrong, Tara would find it difficult to accommodate what seemed like a simple request; however, it was beneficial for her to acquiesce. She had to let go of what was familiar, what she trusted in, and at times, “hid” in.

She had to walk by faith and not sight.

Trust God on your journey,” is what she is fond of saying.